Tutorial Times
Stroll on in to work or get help

If you need help on a homework assignemt or need assistance studying terms for a quiz or assessment, please come by my classroom for tutorials. Below are the various times that my classroom is open for you to ask questions, before or after school.

Mondays Science-Open Door and Homework Lab. Students may come in and work on science homework or ask questions to clarify.
Tuesdays Science-Open Door and Homework Lab. Students may come in and get assistance on science assignments or concepts. Students may also just come in and work on any subject's homework
Thursdays Science Mandatory Tutorials-Those students who are required for small group tutoring come for added support in subject area.
Mornings Appointment Only Tutoring-Students who make prior arrangements with me may come in the morning for additional support in Science.

Note: Due to numbers in small group tutoring, mandatory science tutoring may change. Check tutoring notice for specific day or see me if you have any questions.


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Make-up Work