Science Labs
Different types of labs we do.

Philosophy Behind Lab

Exploraroty labs are set up for pure exploration of a concept or material. These labs will generally not have directions to guide the students, but challenge the students to work together and find ways to test an idea or just see what happens when you do an action on an object. At times, there will be directions to guide the students through the introduction of a concept so they can see what happens to prepare them for further in-depth studies. The report that the students will give will be a journaling of their answers to various thought questions.

Cook-Book labs are labs typically found in a science textbook. These labs have a ste-by-step procedure that the students must follow to get a certain outcome. While I may use these labs to help demontrate a concept, I rarely use this type of lab setting. Why? This lab is not true to science. Science does not have predetermined outcomes that we all get so we know what we already know. Science is about new discoveries. A Cook-Book Lab does not allow for new discoveries only a assessment of how well students can follow directions. If a lab like this is done in class, the report will be the analysis and conclusion aspect that the book prescribes.

Discovery labs are labs that present the student with a problem or general concept and the students discover a way to test that particular problem. These are the most often used lab in my classroom. Students must become scientist and develop an idea of what will happen based on what they know, then develop a test to see if their thoughts are founded by observable data. Results are not guaranteed nor are they going to be the same for every lab group-I do not even know what the results will be. This type of lab requires critical thinking and group work to reach a valid test and successfully gather the data. This lab is truly science in action. To resport the findings of these labs, students will have to write-up a formal lab report based on the TEKS given to me by the state and is commonly the same type of report used in higher educational areas.


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